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Focus on growth,
Leave fundraising to us

Raise capital faster and easier with Funden's unique set of tools and services.

Get warm introductions to more than 1000+ in-network VCs

Outsource your fundraising grunt work to our team of experts

Strategic guidance, consulting, and services to ensure you raise

Learn about Assisted Fundraising Get started for free
Funden™ Assisted Fundraising - A managed fundraising platform for busy founders | Product Hunt

Meet your new fundraising partner

Fundraising is a full-time job. The problem is you already have a full-time job: growing your business. Raise your next round with Funden so you can keep focusing on your startup and let investors come to you.


Outsource the hassle

Focus on your growth while we do the prep, research, outreach, and intros so you can keep doing what do you do best.


Raise faster

VCs see hundreds of deals per day. Let Funden put your outreach on auto-pilot to ensure you're winning the numbers game.


Find the right VC

Smart money wins. We'll identify, target, and engage VCs that are strategic partners for the next phase of your startup.


Financials done right

Partner with our finance team to get your company valuation, projections, and financial models in order.

Who partners with Funden?

Hundreds of global VCs, angel investors, family firms, and more.

Interested in becoming a partner?

Apply as an investor

In partnership with

Funden Partner - 500 Startups
Funden Partner - ACT
Funden Partner - AVC
Funden Partner - SEED
Funden Partner - Sierra Ventures
Funden Partner - York IE
Funden Partner - Tarvenn
Funden Partner - Teknasyon
Funden Partner - Vertex
Funden Partner - A16Z
Funden Partner - Khosla Ventures
Funden Partner - Gaingels

And 1000+ more...

How we bridge the gap

180 founders accessing capital,
1000 VCs receiving curated dealflow

Founders don't have time to fundraise. Investors don't have time to talk to startups who aren't ready.
Funden connects high-quality founders to high-quality capital.

Series B Gaming

“We got our first meeting booked with a top gaming VC within a few days. Steve and his team were able to provide us with a great stream of introductions without compromising on quality.”

Seed+ B2B SaaS

“Funden was critical to our round. Extremely worth it. They are also able to adapt as your round grows and changes. Highly, highly, recommend.”

Seed Stage Social Hardware

“Funden has provided me with a steady stream of investor meetings. I’m able to focus on running Loop as opposed to spending most of my day reaching out cold to potential VCs.”

Series A Gaming

“An invaluable part of our fundraising process. The insightful and well-thought out feedback on our pitch deck was frankly jaw-dropping. We are miles ahead thanks to the Funden team.”

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Assisted Fundraising

You run your business,
we'll handle the fundraising

Outsource your fundraising to us with Funden's Assisted Fundraising program. Let us perfect your pitch deck, target qualified investors, and then warm intro you to our partner VC funds.

Schedule a consultation

How much is your company worth? Valuation reports build trust and transparency and help you and your investors reach an agreement.

Schedule a consultation

Let our Harvard-trained finance team handle your company's financials on a fractional basis.

Schedule a consultation

Let the Funden team handle your outreach. We'll target relevant funds within our partner network (or externally) and craft the perfect outreach strategy to engage them.

Schedule a consultation

Financial models are a requirement for virtually every stage of fundraising. Let us build you a custom financial model that will grow with your company and meet your investor's standards.

Schedule a consultation

Let our world-class team build you a custom investor narrative and pitch deck to ensure what you say will resonate with the investors you're talking to. Perfect for founders who are "too close to their business" to perfect their pitch.

Schedule a consultation

Assisted Fundraising is ideal for:

Fast-growing startups who don't have time for grunt work

Venture scale companies with the budget to hire a fundraising partner

First-time fundraisers who want strategic guidance on how to close a round

Ted Nyman on Funden

“They were critical to the round. Extremely worth it. Highly, highly, recommend.”

Ted Nyman of Cased
Ted Nyman on Funden

“We got our first meeting booked with a top gaming VC within a few days.”

Robert Towles of INK Games

Ready to turbo-boost your fundraising process?

Get started for free Schedule a consultation